Thursday, April 23, 2009

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Workplace Safety

It's important to take precautions when working around heavy machinery, right? Or, like a bunch of these guys, you can try basically shoving your arm straight in.

I seriously think these five minutes have as many ridiculous casualties as any really good slasher film, with just as much (if not more) splattering fake blood. Maybe it's just me, but I think this is really funny. I mean, unfortunate in the sense that such things actually happen, but really funny in the dramatic re-enactment department. Plus, most of these get no real explanation or background, so it's kind of like watching a string of non-sequiter B-movie deaths.

[FOUND HERE AT MENTAL_FLOSS, which also features a German forklift video and another (completely bloodless) workplace video.]

1 comment:

  1. I actually couldn't take it and had to stop after the finger came off. It was too much for me.
